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Man... your game could be practicallyconsidered a full release if it was a bit more polished, and by that i mean better explanation of the mechanics, cuz in some part i didn't know i could posses upwards and downwards (maybe i missed the explanation), also you can get stun locked pretty easily if you try to eat in a bad spot, cuz you will get hit and then the animation of eating will restart and leave you vulnerable.

The worst thing was getting stuck in the final boss and having to reset the fight. i got stuck in 2 places (i got screenshots in case you wanna know but i don't know if you want no spoilers for other players) where i had nothing outside to posses to get out of there so had to suicide.

other than that i have not much to critique. great game in all aspects, it's amazing that you managed to do a game so polished for this jam. Great job 5/5

Thank you very much for the compliment! And yes, the tutorial part was made in the last days of the Jam, so a lot of stuff is badly explained, and I did not know about the eating stunlock, so I will definitely fix that. And it's no problem with spoilers, you can post the pictures of where you got stuck for me to fix, since I doubt most people will get to the final boss haha.

I will fix everything using the feedback I received from you and everyone else, so thank you so much for letting me know about the problems the game has.


this were sections 1 and 2 of the final boss, in the first one i think just putting an extra platform to the right of the red stuff would fix it. on the second one doing the same thing or maybe spawning a zombie where the boss is. I am glad i could help.

Thank you! Indeed, extending the platform in the first image would be the fix, now for the other one I will have to create another path since the player should not be able to enter the Book area before opening it. Thank you so much for the help!