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Cool topic and always fun to try some celeste-inspired games! Not sure if there's something I'm missing, but I'm pretty sure the level that starts on a risen platform, where you then have to jump to two colliding enemies /w banana in the middle is impossible. Either you take an apple and can get to the last section /w the bed, or you take the banana and the edge on the platform never gives you the right space to take the elevator up to the bed. 

Hey thanks for trying out our game. I will address the problems you are facing:

1- The colliding enemies with the banana in the middle was fine till we panic pushed a player movement tweak to make the player move in a certain manner. Right now, with the build, I found out double jumping then applying movement to the left and right gives you more space and yes, we know its annoying and we are sorry.....
2. I'm guessing you are referring to the tower level. I just woke up (Upload time was at 4am for me cuz of time differences lol) and found out we forgot to add the final ending scene to the level. Can clearly see the last minute panic building. We completely derped out. I updated the build now, if anyone wants to give it a second try.

Once again, thanks for everyone trying out our game. It's our first time meeting each other and also a first game jam for most of us. It was a fun experience through and through.