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It's so sad, Sissy has to suffer all this alone, with no one to support her. Why are her friends? Why are her family? Why's her lawyer? She needs one. If she could afford it. She became kind of selfish because she was jealous of them enjoying life with each other while she is all alone. How sad.

Oof! Sissy just hurt me. "You, without any goals. Wasting your pathetic life..." I guess nothing can be done with efforts and others help. Lol, I have neither. No efforts, I'm too lazy. No help, I don't dare and I don't want their help. I have nothing to accomplish, I'm too lazy too. And I'm too depressif again. - -

I wished I wasn't lazy but I'm too lazy to do any effort. I'm scared even though I'm not religious. They said sloth is the worst sin and I'm not even in hell. I'm making my life my own living hell. Haha. I'm pretending to laugh so people think I'm joking so they won't hate me from being depressif. I don't but I also hate them for hating depressif people. Because I feel uncomfortable about depressif people too and think that they are like attention seeker and I am too. I judge everyone and mostly judge myself like I judge others. And lot of people don't like people like me for being negative and ruining their life by being depressif, ruinning the mood. They'd wish I never talked to them or just don't exist.

Sorry, it's not because this game is depressif, even happy game or comforting words could make me depressif as well because I think.