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Rather ambitious for your first GWJ, and there are a few things to talk about.

First, the gameplay loop: Not sure why, but my cursor needed to click the window before I could look around. Not necessarily a you problem, but elves coming in from every direction is. Perhaps it makes sense as the game continues, but leads to a quick game over if you don't realize that can happen.

The game over screen is incredibly long, and seems to be a persisting game state. Attempting to restart the game will take you immediately back to game over, and the cursor no longer exists when trying to go back to main menu.

These two issues combine together to sabotage an otherwise time-honored pastime.

That said, there's no shame in what you've put together. The custom cursor is a nice touch, and these issues are merely a result of overambition.

You've done well as a solo dev. Come back in January, and try again!

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing my game and giving feedback.