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Here's this week's Abstráctomon development digest!

I finished quite some work in the Atoneel Tunnel. You'll now encounter the construction worker's foreman in a new cutscene and battle!

I also made further improvements to the lighting in the tunnel:

the basement is now pitch-black with only some site spotlights lighting the way. The workers wear helmets with lights on them, but you've got to fumble around in the dark, I'm afraid!

Back on the surface, you can now buy a new kind of Abstrácto-Ball: The Medi-Ball. It won't increase your chance of catching an Abstráctomon, but it will slowly heal the monster kept in it it over time! It's a great ball in the early game when you're short on healing items. The Medi-Ball can't revive fainted monsters though...

Wish you had bought some Medi-Balls earlier 'cause now you caught some with different balls? Don't worry! You can change the ball a monster is kept in after the fact!

This way you can also change your starter's ball if you prefer a different summon animation, for example.

That's all for this week!

Thanks for reading!