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The recent update adds support for color fonts (set Glyph Color to “Color Font”), but watch out - this isn’t widely supported, and is basically never works in game engines - there are usually other tools (like Scribble for GameMaker or TextMeshPro for Unity) that can bake font outlines on demand.

Thanks but you where right that it probably wouldn't work with most game engines. Pygame doesn't support it (i think)

Does it work on chrome? I'm trying to get it to work, however all the colors  get turned white in the preview. 

From the update:

Fonthx uses SVG color fonts for this, support for which varies - e.g. on my machine these work in Firefox, but not Chromium.

Deleted 164 days ago

Ok thanks, is it possible to adjust the distance between letters? I want the right-most pixel on one letter to touch the left-most pixel on another.

That’s what “spacing” or “kerning” do