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I have no idea what I just played and not entirely sure how on point the "mode" was but man was that an experience. If there was a "vibe" rating I'd rate it 10/5. lol Great controls, although the cooking sensitivity starts out way too low. Beautiful music. Trippy graphics but felt consistent and cohesive.

"Mode" was a weird one for this jam and while it made sense it was a hard one to tackle. You all definitely made something interesting. Great job! 

Game Spoiler: Why the hell didn't I get to try and cook an egg on top of Mount Everest? I want a refund! /s lol


lol I have no idea why but it never crossed my mind to have the final scene be cooking an egg on Mount Everest, kicking myself now. Thank you for the idea but also thank you so much for taking the time to play my game! Really appreciate it.