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I appreciate the feedback. I was a little worried that it might become too difficult, and I'm actually surprised you got that far! I've only played the game myself, but if I had more time I would've had my friends playtest the game for me. I actually made getting the final letter much easier than the second-to-last because I felt the player could use a break after that hellish backtrack. If you want to see hints or just the rest of the game, there's a walkthrough on the itch page/my youtube.

A death counter would be great and pretty funny, that's for sure. There are more things I'd add if I had more time/the game was a bit larger, like a save system and music. I was also thinking of something ambient.

I read that you couldn't use the down key as well. There is no real indication that the down input is necessary or does anything at all, and it's never strictly needed, but it does make the game a lot harder in some places if you don't know you can just drop down a ledge. In the future I'll try to communicate more clearly the player's complete arsenal.

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, I think the difficulty is fine, especially if that is what you are going for, but the difficulty ramp from before and when you get the wall jump to that next section is HUGE. Like there isn't enough time to get that good yet so you just have to keep dying over and over to get good enough to do that section.

I might be going a little far here, but if you put some more time into developing this into a full game (6 to 10 hours), or even full mini-game (like 3 or 4 hours in length), I think you could probably publish and sell it, with some marketing and such of course.

If you want any help with some music, let me know. My friends and I play around and write all kinds of music all the time.

As far as the down input goes, it works but you seem to have to hold it down while you are on a ledge to make yourself fall. I think it would be nice if it was more of an instant or near instant effect.

P.S. Add controller support!

Hahah, thanks! It does ramp up a little fast, if I made this a full game I'd definitely add a few more rooms between getting the wall jump and reaching that section. In general I'd add a lot more rooms, and design them to be more open and "generally challenging" rather than focused "celeste-like" obstacle courses.

I'm taking a break with the project for now, but when I resume, I'll definitely send you a message about the music. Maybe we can work together sometime, who knows.

The ledge thing also bugged me. I had a solution for it, but that caused other problems, so I put it on hold until I implement an elegant system for it. Controller support is another one of those "more time/larger game" things but I'll keep it in mind!


Yes, please do. I think this concept, idea, and implementation so far has tons of potential!