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(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

That's also a very important perspective, though I think what I and shylover were talking about specifically was people in the fanbase saying that because Sam is a sex worker, he is not and is not able to be a "faithful" partner, because again, "faithful" (still a bad word for this) means whatever the people in the relationship want it to mean. Not that "sex workers aren't faithful" was a problem present in the  actual narrative of TSR (or at the least, that was not something I was communicating).


Yeah. It's kind of a strange thing to think about because "faithful" usually refers to religious institutions back in the day, and not breaking your vows. M/m and f/f relationships were often not seen as real or natural by these institutions.

A sex worker would generally want a lot of clients unless they could become a concubine to a rich patron. 
