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I am not a computer savvy guy but just a grandpa trying to help my 6 year old grandson. He wants to be able to play your game so I downloaded it and then downloaded winrar for 64 bit whatevers. I have an HP model 15-1211wm with windows 10. i dont know how to extract and am totally lost. Can you help me, please. Sincerely, grandpa Pete

It's really easy on windows. You don't need winrar, you can extract it with windows as well. Right click on the downloaded file -> Hover the "open with" entry -> Click on "windows explorer".

A new window should come up with a directiory inside. Drag and drop this directory on the desktop(or another location of your choise).

Close the explorer window.

Open the directiory, which you dragged on the desktop.

Double click the "AncientWarfare2.exe" file to start the game.

Greetings to your grandson!