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Honestly a really fun game! The one big suggestion is the boss window should probably be hidden instead of destroyed, as it was causing some issues on my setup (which are like 90% my software setup's fault, as it was doing what it is supposed to do to windows and tiling them :P )

Although I couldn't figure out why Peer wanted to be in a specific place or what Bellow did at all! I also didn't hear any music, which confuses me, but oh well

peer lets you see studff outside of your window but boss windows is basicly just temporary peer

also peer on level 2 and higher drops healing items

and bellow enlarges your window to the maximum size for a short period of time

bellow on level 2 and higher pushes enemies away too

Ohh okay, I just figured that peer would do something if I put it where it wanted. Thanks for the tip about raising their levels though, I thought the game was over after doing three bosses XD

Thanks ^v^