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This game is really stylish, and the hunter is very effectively menacing. Despite spending a lot of time with this one, I wasn't able to beat it though. The later levels, for me, devolved into repeatedly trying to execute the same plan over and over until I didn't die, either by getting pinned by eyes, ground shrapnel beasts, or falling to my death. 

The controls feel responsive enough but there's just something about the jumping and running mechanics that seems to lead me to not be able to accomplish the things I really wanted to on a regular basis. Because the cost of failure is reseting the level, it becomes a little bit of a slog. I imagine the gong show made this apparent. 

However, look at me complaining about some difficulty issues! It's a case of a fly in the ointment - straight up, this is a really neat and very playable game, and you did a fantastic job! Well done!