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Glad the update downloaded okay! Itch does seem to have some dl issues lol, I had a weird time uploading the update too.

Ina is certainly a spirited young lass, I don't doubt she and Ashley will have some interesting interactions. Feeling that out as I write it should be interesting, Ina in general has been a pleasant surprise as I go.

Yes, Amnelis will return. I already have a CG for her first scene, and while she won't be a party member (too weak, possibly too lazy), she'll probably end up in the camp at some point or another as a minor character. I can see her getting herself into a LOT of trouble given her big mouth, should be great fun. Siofra in particular will be infuriated by her.

Sarah is definitely first wife (in her head), would be interesting to see how they all feel about it. I suspect Ash and Sarah would be surprisingly possessive, but some might be unexpectedly okay with sharing. Probably depends on the other stuff, like Sarah would be much more okay with a poly relationship with you and Metatron as compared to, idk, Sam, who she doesn't *hate* but doesn't really have any interest in either.