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i need help unlocking an artwork in gallery

i already went through all endings and even bought the DLC, but i cant seem to unlock this last one? does anyone please know how?? maybe theres a special dialogue option i need to chose to get it???


Its the same picture but in color they usually unlock together hope that helps 


aah, i fugured, but for some reason it only unlocked the sketch :(

if its not too much to ask, could you please send the artwork for me? id love to see it!


Sorry it took awhile i had an error opening the game but i fixed it 😅 but here U go 

thank you so much <33 youre really sweet

no problem just going through that  scene is a tear jerker the way he risked his life to heal his cat so sad  I can relate 🥲


honestly, i too would sacrifice my life for my cat </3