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No offense taken at all. I appreciate the honesty. I know not every choice I make in the game's design will suit everyone. You've hit on one of the most difficult points of design in this "genre". The trope is that the main character wants to resist change, but you can't make changes a punishment for failure, because then the player can get frustrated at having to fail, or has to choose between winning the game and seeing the content they want. I played with breaking those rules in this game by making some amount of failure inevitable. Totally fair if that doesn't sit right with everyone :)

(1 edit)

Can you at least answer how to get 14 . Coppertop she agreed to let me have this, but then I came back with Magic and she either was made I didn't do anything or still punished me even if half of tasks was complete And there was magic 

How to complete self magic training ?

Also how to find Phone, Sword and Haste and Masc and Fem potions. Is it all just RNG?