*** (SPOILERS) ***
I feel like I need the help of someone with a masters in literary analysis. I have essentially no idea what happened in chapter 44 other than some super basics. This isnt meant to be a critique, I just was not able to follow it and hoping to maybe get some help understanding.
Neither confused or lost actually express though how i felt reading this. It felt like someone was edging my brain's attempt at understanding. It felt like I spent the whole chapter just barely out of reach of understanding. Kind of like one of those older AI generated images where so much of it looks so close to familiar but the more you look the less familiar it becomes.
If you could help, I have a "few" actual questions...
( ***SPOILERS*** )
(incase you didn't see the warning at the top)
[Section 1: the gods]
1. So the whole episode is meant to be inside the soul/domain or whatever of auxo yes? (All the weird "memories", and the trip through the city too?)
2. Auxo was corrupted by ScaryBlackThing^TM?
3. Was auxo's actions or plans influenced by this thing?
4. Are we supposed to know what this thing was? Or even have an idea of what it could be? It was a complete blank for me.
5. Everyone entered auxo's domain at the start- but cj and teressa were separated by ScaryBlackThing?
[Section 2: cjs mom]
6. What triggered her mental breakdown?
7. The ScaryBlackThing (hereinafter referred to as SBT), how was it involved in her breakdown, her visions, the weird science shit she was doing? Was the person she was working for involved in this?
8. What was going on with the visions. Why was Cj seeing them? Did his mom see the same ones as him? Im entirely lost here.
9. His mom was working to make some super genetic serum thing for perfect gene structure yes? When they said she would be giving birth to a God, did they only mean it in this scientific sense?
10. Was that serum that she got given to her by Hector? How and why was it given. How was it made. Why was it a thing
[Section 3: Cro and cj bit]
11. I thought cj and teressa were only ones separated, but he was with cro in city?
12. Who was the weird chick who kept popping up.
13. What happened that made this bit suddenly end with Cro looking like she was gonna blow some shit up
[Section 4: misc]
14. Why did Hector turn to stone
15. What was special about Hector
16. (Related) why was No-Face-Man interested in hector
17. How/why were hector and cj's mom stuck together in a single monster
18. What suffering did cj's mom even experience. Seems like it is made to be forgone assertion that she did--- but i dont see how.
19. Was No-Face-Man related to the weird dragon monster that contained hector and cj mom?
20. Was no one (the other shards) actually there with cj and teressa during that fight? It seems like that is suggested by auxo but it doesnt make much sense
My head hurts. This one really confused the absolute fuck out of me. I dont know if I'm just dumb/clueless or perhaps many of these questions are meant to be unanswered.