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Is it just me or is it still showing 0.1.9? Because people keep talking about 0.2.2 but i can't seem to have it shown? Someone please help.

You are not the only one, 0.2.0 onwards can be obtained through the FatalFire studios Patreon (for the moment)

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Due to the fact they wanted to finish up the Night 2, they have not ben able to focus on the Arcade mode, so people could get a new public update.

Arcade Mode is next on the list of updates, so its possible´s public update will be the 2.2 update of the full Night 2.
The Arcade Mode in question is going to get a rework, so wont be long before everyone can play the Arcade mode again.
But depending on how much they have to rework, it could be first arriving in between December and Febuary. But that being said, there is hope for the game will have a working Arcade mode in the future.

Pardon me maxcheernum, but from what i gather about the new arcade mode they need to rework the naughty scenes, and outfits with the new night guard i believe, plus i think they might add some new stuff for the night guard, new wallpaper, new items, new outfits for the girls, new decorations for the office, and much more to make up for what happen in the 2.0 update and celebrate the rebirth arcade mode well that my opinion.

On a lighter note i been wondering do you think once they finish revamping arcade mode they will start to revamp and finally add the final update (hopefully) of the Christmas special ????

Its possible, but since the xxxmas special does not have any real problems, they might just continue from where they left off with the game, but add the new Nightguard into the game.
But seeing the new Night 2 has some new voices, there could be a small remake for adding the new voices to the xxxmas special as well.
Honestly i dont see any real reason for them to rework the xxxmas special other then adding the Nightguard v2 in it

Hmmm… I never thought about that, you think it wouldn’t take them that long to add the new night guard in the Christmas special and add the new voices to it????

Sorry i know it’s to soon to tell but I am very curious and being curious is a good thing (i think ????).

Lo que dice Max es cierto en el especial simplemente es cambiar al nuevo guardia nocturno y las voces de los personajes, después simplemente continuar con la historia. 

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Oh 😅 i see, well anyway i will be very looking forward for the new revamp of the arcade mode update but i do hope that they won’t make the girls chase us in the vents like they did with chiku 😅😅😅 however it would be more interesting and challenging as well, but I don’t think they will do that i think only tangle will do that once she is released in the game in the future.


If you have telegram I can send you 0.2.2