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quick thing, kind of a bug, but I don't think it's the bad kind

basically when you drop a Pokémon with a gimmick, that gimmick doesn't activate until it collides with something

UNLESS you drop it holding as far left or far right as possible, which then the gimmick starts immediately

not a bad bug but I think maybe make the Pokémon glow if their gimmick is active, or if it will activate instantly that would be cool (if that makes sense)

Yeah this is kinda on purpose, because the fish flopping while falling made them very unpredictable.  For the exploding ones, I am gonna try to add some form of animation of them blinking red before exploding. Their gimmick starting when you drop them on the far left/right makes sense because it is colliding with the wall. I could probably change the logic on it slightly, so I'll look into that.