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There already is a score counter and the amount of carrots, bok choys and lives are also displayed on the top right of the screen but I guess you can't see them? I had trouble with scaling the game here in because when the game window was smaller, it would not display the whole game and the borders were left out.  For me it works fine on full screen mode though, but after reading your comment it seems that it's not the case on every device :(

If is proving difficult to format the resolution for, perhaps you want to release a downloadable version as well?

Yeah, I'll probably add a downloadable version too, as soon as I've got the time. Thanks for the tip and thanks for playing my game!

(1 edit)

No problemo! :D

oh, one last thing: Shouldn't the barriers be replenished between rounds? That's what happens in Space Invaders.

Yeah, you're right about that! I tried replenishing them but it didn't quite work out. I'm still very new to Unity and game development in general and had a tight deadline with this one since it's a school project so I left them the way they were