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A member registered Apr 08, 2023

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(1 edit)

Oooh! New update dropped last month! :o What's new?

Also, this game wouldn't happen to be inspired by the 'doghouse bug' of Link's Awakening that takes you to a boundless, glitchy dungeon whose properties differ based on your bodycount that playsession, would it? :P

Yeah, what Kee said! In fact, Kee's got a Discord you can join if you wanna stay tuned for all the latest scoops on her games and interact with the Keemmunity! :D

Memes aside, thanks for clearing that up 馃憤

Aw man, only 2 levels? I was having fun :(

Nice game! But uh, just so you know... your website's down ^^;

Ditto. Iqmkjp is pretty much right on the money here.

You should add some of this to the game page description! It's important stuff to know! :O

(2 edits)

Go right ahead 馃憤

Oh, er... the download button links to the original build from 2016 ^^; What about the 2023 build mentioned in "More information?"

Yoooo, this thing got updated last year? :O Niiice! Gonna have to give the new version a try! :D

Bold of you to assume I bit anyone

Two of them are named the same thing, which one is 0.2?

Holy... this is some legit stuff right here. As far as Itch prototypes go, this thing could go places. Heck, I'd pay for a finished version of this game! How do I give something more than 5 stars?

Holy cow! This is some good stuff right here! Take my 5-stars! :D I'm also excited to see you "plan to add more," even if it's taking awhile. I anticipate seeing this game 'shine' even more!

Ay, Reverse Pac-Man! Now that's a nifty concept and makes for some mighty fun gameplay! Great game! :D

(1 edit)

Nice game, but why is the ice cube so heavy? He falls like he's made of cement instead of ice XD Not only is it a bit nonsensical, but it makes it extremely hard to time a double jump, and wall jumps are almost completely unusable.

I really like the animation style though, and it's a neat little platformer aside from the above issue. Would be a 4/5, but the physics brings it down to a 3.5/5. Since we can't do fractional stars however, I'll go ahead and round up to a 4 ;)

Interesting little diversion. Do you have any advice for what to do if being chased?

(3 edits)

Neat. How's it going by the way?

Oh, one thing -- It seems like the .exe download is only the jam build. Do you think you could pretty-please put the post-jam build (the 1/11/20 one the browser version uses) in the downloads? :o

Very much dig this game! No wonder it took 1st place! And all in 9 hours, too -- Wow. Its place among your impressive repertoire of fascinating works is well-deserved.

Not enough time during the jam, anyway, right? ;) I think this game is a super cool and imaginative gameplay concept and a whole bunch of fun to play! :D And it'd be pretty dang killer to see to see it polished up and/or expanded now that there's more than 3 hours to do so XD

( Yes I am aware this the jam was in 2020, but it's never too late to say good things about a video game, right? ^^ Also I am still in denial that 2020 was 4 years ago >=I )

Is there an executable version?

Heya! I just wanted to wish you good luck with final exams! :D

(3 edits)

High score: 170 [Easy]

(4 edits)

This game is very fun and really impressive! :D Makes me think of Space Harrier and stuff. And that is VERY cool, especially for a little ol' score/survival challenge like this.

One small problem, though; ice cubes seem to desync the sprite-health connection. In fact, touching ice while at full health just shuts off sprite changes altogether! This leaves you with little idea of how many more screwups you can make, as well as how badly you need another ice stack :(

Overall, 4.5/5 stars, since the above issue is the only flaw I can really think of. Correcting it would make the experience just about flawless ;) We can't do fractional stars though, I'll round it up to a 5 for you~

Fun and adorable! Can't wait to see what's next for this game!

(1 edit)

After a bit of testing, I think ! figured out what causes it! :O I found that freezers only fail to trigger when you try to move onto one on the same turn that your sprite would change to the next smaller one! It seems like the function that handles shrinking has priority over the function that handles freezing, which causes the latter to be skipped over, since you can't both shrink and grow in the same turn. So fixing it should be a simple matter of having the two switch placements in the code, yeah?

Awww! What a cute little platformer! ^^ Everything's so charming about it, especially the player character! I love the little ice cube guy to pieces <3 The mechanics are also very intriguing and make for a very unique foundation for an otherwise simple platformer game~ 5/5 stars easily! :D


Pretty please fix this, I wanna love this game so, so badly ;~; Until then, 4/5 for now u.u

Need another reminder? :P

Nifty little game! Be super cool if there was score so we could try and top ourselves.

How do you get over the first hill in the second level?

Fun little game! What's up with these dogs that just teleport in on top of you, though?

Is there a version of this that is compatible with not-VR?

How do I run this? There's no file extension.

It's prolly better if you just add me. My Discord ID is .starberry

Dangit I ddin't get notified of the reply! D:< What the heck, Itch!

I'm happy to help ^^

Oops, I forgot to click it XP Can you gen a new one?

Thanks for the updates! :D They make for great improvements

Is this an alt account of Nebiros?