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At long last, I finally got it back

Just wanna say thank u to everyone! It's been inspiring seeing the record chipping away. We're working on expanding the game much more, we hope to race you again then!

Wow, that's impressive. Did you use the pause bug? When you pause at the start of each level you get a slight time save, it's most noticeable on the first level.

woah theres already a glitch??

Are you still planning on expanding the game? I just started playing and its really fun :)

Thanks a lot for playing! Glad you enjoyed it!

About expanding the game, in fact, we're currently already in the midst of doing that! We're currently working on adding new levels, and then after that we're planning to look into improving or even overhauling the look of the game, among other things.

Do you think I could help with the art? Without time pressure, I can do a better job than the last project we did.