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What are TFs?

Ah, it's the abbrievation of TransFormation (the F isn't normally capitalized.). like there are a lot of games like that online. it's a whole thing. I enjoy games with that sort of thing. one popular example of them are werewolves, they transform into a beastlike (or fully bestial) form. there are lots of others though. You can find games with TFs in them all over the place, on steam, on, it even has it's own site dedicated to stuff with the kink called ""  . it's also a tag on places like DLSite, and more illegal piratey sites, which I will not say the name of here, but if ya know, ya know. anyways, that's what I'd say TFs are, though I may have forgotten some parts of it. one game I quite enjoy that has TFs in it as a major part of it is a game called: "Moncurse". it's quite good, I'd recommend it.

Oh, I see. Yeah, we will feature transformation on level 2 onwards.

Also thanks for the game recommendation, I'll check it out.

No problem. looking forward to playing more of the game. it can def get a bit hectic with all the enemies, but that's (probably) part of the fun.