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Sinful Salad

A member registered Jun 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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They will up until the final release, but patrons and other supporters can get some benefits as well, that's the plan for now

No eta

We are happy that you like the game!


We are working on it

Thanks, I"ll check it

Thank you for the kind words!

It is in Fuu's tent

Not at this time

Thanks! Currently each heroine can only equip one spell, but in the future there will be ways to unlock more slots

To avoid spoiler on the itch page, I'll say for you to ask it in the spoiler channel on our discord, people will help you find it there


Killing bosses and mini bosses

We are always balancing the gameplay, we have a feedback channel on our discord for people to discuss things like that.

If you want some strategies on using the net attacks, you can reach out on the Strategy channel on discord, there are lots of good methods there to use them

There's a big one regarding beholdan and beholly, if you want more details and secrets, you can reach out on our discord. Folk are pretty friendly over there

We are not sure of that atm


Moral sword of asagi was an inspiration for our game!

If you need help you can check the Strategy channel on our discord

Costumes are on our plans, and we have some secret scenes in the game ;)

The game adjusts the difficulty based on your needs, so if you are in a boss battle with two fallen girls, yeah, there won't be any spawns. We may change it in the future though.

Interesting, I'll check it

If you reach the slaver with two girls captured, that's what you get

In one run you can unlock most entries on the gallery, just use the spells efficiently

Thanks for the feedback

Upload it to virustotal and check it out

In the hole in the hub after you get the spellstone

Use the net spells unlocked by gallia

We don't offer complete save files but you can try your luck on our discord server

Thanks, the spell thing is not a bug, you'll be able to unlock more spaces in future updates.

Tell me your phone model and give more details on the crash please.

That's weird, can you hop on the bug report channel on discord and talk about it in more detail?

No easy mode unless mods

Interesting, send the bug report

Interesting, what phone model you have? You can DM it to me if you want. I'll check this bug out

Interesting, does the same thing happen if you skip the tutorial? You can reach out on our bug report channel in discord as well if you want

Enjoy it!

Some quick strategy tips: 

1. Keep enemies out of the zone of their color and most will be unable to hurt you.

2. Most skills do full damage even if you target enemies outside of the heroine's preferred zone.

3.  Get F*cked more. A heroine will recieve a temporary x2 damage buff if you destroy the enemy she's having sex with. Keeping enemies alive in their zones with low health is a great way to farm the buff and turn the tides in your favor.

4. Keep an eye on your HP bars to stay on top. If possible try to not have all 3 Heroines have low SR at the same time. Don't be low on Stamina if you've got lots of enemies in their zones.  

5. Planning your route. If you've started a round with skills you aren't very good at using. Try your best to make it to the shop so you can purchase more skills. If you feel pretty confident, challenge a mini boss to get some stat upgrades. If not, you should probably take a different path. If you think you know who the final boss will be, purchase items you can use to keep yourself on top.

Let me know if these tips help you win some more of your runs.