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I really loved playing your game. I like the smiley face thing on the ball, the only problem is I was starting to feel a little bit judged when I continue to fail the same level for like the 30th time... That smiley face started to build a different meaning for me, a little bit of judgement and dissapointment on myself. Jk, It was a really pleasing experience (not the last level, at that point I really wanted the ball to stop smiling). Well, jokes aside, I enjoyed a lot the gameplay and I found really cool and interesting the cannon mechanic (i expected the level on launching balls was going to be quite repetitive to  charge it and shoot but it ended up being smoother and easier than i thought.) I also loved the emissive details on the cables and in the platforms, make a really cool look! GJ!

Glad you enjoyed it! I agree, some parts turned out harder than intended, good job for making it so far regardless :)