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Impressive work! The controls are overall solid, contributing to a fantastic presentation.

The countdown's intensity, coupled with the pulsating music, creates a surge of adrenaline, heightening the overall experience, turning each attempt into a thrilling race to avoid obstacles. The high stakes, where a single mistake results in game over, add a challenging element. The progression to a harder difficulty after completing the first level is a nice touch, although I personally found it challenging to surpass. The inclusion of controller support is a significant advantage, making gameplay much smoother. Additionally, I stumbled upon a secret button in the main menu at the bottom right that activates extreme difficulty—definitely not passing that!

Overall, it's a great submission that I thoroughly enjoyed.

(1 edit)

Thanks for all those encouraging words!

If I may ask a question, did you try controller controls and if yes, how intuitive did you find them?

One big think i've been wondering about is if "FPS Style" controls (as is right now in the game) or "Racing game Style" (Rotate with left stick and strafe with right stick) controls would be better for a complete novice. What's your opinion from your experience?