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Very cute and fun idea! I did unfortunately run into a bug that seemed to break the game on the first level I tried, so I didn't get very far, but it's a really fun concept for a puzzle game!

Hello! Could you please explain what happened, and which level you chose to play first? We are aware that some puzzles have issues due to known bugs at the moment, but the intended first puzzle of the game (Goat-1) should still be clearable under these conditions.


Sure! It was Goat-1 that I ran into the issue. I can't recall the exact positioning in the level (it was near the top of the pen). The goat was a space away from the cart with nothing blocking it on the other side, but I couldn't get them to shove it, no matter where I put the food including in between the goat and the cart (so goat -> food -> cart). I was in the browser version if that helps.

(1 edit)

That's really strange. That might be a browser-exclusive bug, but I'll see if I can replicate it.
EDIT: I can't seem to replicate it. Can you try and replicate what you did to see if I can  troubleshoot what might be going wrong?