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Thanks so much for all the suggestions!

The idea for the tank controls were primarily to avoid any movement dissonance between camera angles - since there is a button that explicitly makes you move forward, you always know in what direction you're moving even if the camera angle changes. I do agree that it could do with refinement and maybe an alternate control method (I think point and click could work but it would also generate friction during chases so that would beed a bit of a rework), so it's something we're definitely going to think about in the future.

The keypad for Nick's room was a nod to his favorite game (Deus Ex) or more specifically the whole pantheon of immersive sims where the first lock is a variation of 451 / 0451, and where problems often have various possible solutions to them - in this case, finding an adequate window to smoke in the second floor could be solved either at Nick's bathroom window or through the balcony itself, and the other bathroom's door had two possible methods for opening it. The mention of Nick's favorite game was in passsing and we planned for someone else to refer to that again when spoken to so we'd also implement that in a further update, but regardless we made sure to keep it 100% optional and also "equivalent" content-wise to the rest of the second floor.

I also agree that the office area needs a rework - the trek through the corridors was supposed to feel super weird, as if you stepped into a place that's not quite an office for a bit, and hint you on how the Entity is starting to reach out and impact the "real world". We did rush it a bit so we're definitely going to give it another pass and think about how to empasize that mood further.

And yeah I'm still having a bit of trouble finding the character's unique voices when writing - I have a clear idea on how the characters are supposed to act and think but I still have trouble keeping it all in mind when actually writing the dialogue, but I'm going to keep your tips in mind! And also I do feel like the only way I can get better at it is by practicing so I guess this is just another step in the road. But I hope I can get there soon!

Once again, thanks so much for your time and all the suggestions! We're going to work on a "full" release in the future (probably at some point next year, maybe near spooky season) and I'd be stoked if you could give it another shot once it's done!


Feels free to hit me up for QA when the game gets further along.