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so this is the first time i've downloaded this game, and i must say i'm am impressed with how far along it is. although i don't know exactly how you plan to proceed i noticed a few things while playing that you probably already thought about, first off the stats at this point seem to be useless. i'm thinking that your planning on implementing some kind of training event in the future as well as using them as a possible key for certain events at some point. how ever during my playthrough i didn't see any use for them at the moment.

second i noticed a couple o f miss spellings in one or two scenes, the ones that stood out to me the most was the scene where neon is brought into the house and see's tsu on the table with the hammer, the main character says, "can some one get that hammer away from him, before he hurts himself?"

i also noticed that in some of the scenes with the girls they refer to the hellhound as hell instead of the name i gave

third while i can appreciate the use of proper english, many of the conversations sound for to forced of formal with the characters saying things like, "would you care to elucidate?", my suggestion for this would be to go back and make the conversations more informal, because it feels like i'm reading a book from victorian england.

forth, please keep in mind that this last on is equal parts speculation/ observation and suggestion.

while playing i noticed an error while interacting with teile, during event scenes the store interface would stay on the screen and prevent me from viewing the full thing, during the early parts of the game, and when i try to use the back button to close out it would just rewind the scene, you might want to look into this.

i also noticed that certon events like the interaction between kor and neon can be done before you get kor up and running, my thought/suggestion is that you either have plans to have these event/stat locked because it makes the story feel mixed, as an example, for me the combat suit/armor that the character gets from the girls shows up in the scene where the mc confronts jin and asks her if she's just going to hide in her office. how ever at that time i hadn't even gotten it from the girls yet. which means that events can be done out of order.  i suggest that this be scene locked to keep story continuity, as for the stats things like the fight scene with sakura should probably be stat locked and scene locked behind training and stat requirements, while i understand you probablly already have this planed i was asking myself how the main character was able to block kunai with a sword after he said he had never trained or picked one up before. i mean even in the first interactions the mc doesn't even fight with a sword. aand while izu does break and agrees to train the mc in the sword it just feels a little out of place for me, i would suggest making the training earlier in the relationship, to give more continuity and context. 

please keep in mind that i don't mean to sound ungrateful, nor do i mean offense, i just wanted to make my thoughts and opinions to make your game better, and while i realize that i didn't get the patreon version. i would still like to see this game succeed because i see a lot of potential in it

Hey, glad you like it, then, regarding some inconsistencies in events, how much they happen are blocked under certain variables, instead for story inconsistencies, they are corrected slowly as the game goes on, for example the battle with Sakura will be changed in the future.

For the various errors with the shop already resolved and fixed for 0.84.

For the dialogues I will see what to do about that.