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I do have a level editor in the game, that's how I actually make the levels. It needs some tweaking, but I think it could be adapted so that player can use it too.

Do you have any fluff you'd like in there? I was thinking Level Selector / Overworld Map, more machine types and Block that can have colors that needs to be stacked. If you have other ideas, I'm listening :)


I’ll chime in here unprovoked and say that the one thing I’d love to see is a level selector, would be nice to go back and try to see if there are other ways to solve some of the puzzles! I’ll echo what was said above and say that a level editor would be awesome as well. Really well made game, loved it and actually played through the whole thing, rare for me in game jams of this size I’ll admit!

Level selector is actually one of the top features in my list for the next release. I wanted to make one at first, but I realized that if I wanted to polish everything to my taste, I needed to scratch it. It will be added tho!


I think that the biggest thing for me would be some sort of level sharing platform in game. Being able to view other's levels and compete in something, maybe time, maybe blocks used etc. would be really fun.

I also think that making every block output something no matter what could be interesting. Like, trying to shrink a  white 1*1 with a black middle spot would give give a full black 1*1. Maybe the block that assembles pieces will also shrink them if necessary? You get the point, not giving out the raw input is cool. Because, once you laid down some rules on how things change and when, you allow these rules to be abused for unexpected puzzles. Inspired by that one portal level where you use that fact that the cube dispenser destroys the cube when activated to unpress a button

Also yeah, more colors could be fun, not sure how the inverter would work or how they would interact with each other, maybe by going around the color wheel?


So something similar to Opus Magnum or something like that? I have a Level Editor that I'm planning on releasing in a future release and I was wondering if people would be interested in participating in a Level Design competition to win some keys to the game. The best levels could also be added to the game with the consent of the ones who made them.

For the properties of the machines, I've changed it a little for the next release. The Expander and Shrinker can now work mutiple time, the shrinker even reducing Blocks into nothingness if used multiple times. This opens some interesting doors for more complex levels later on. The other machines will also do something no matter what, or maybe even break if not given the correct input.

The color idea is still on standby, has it would prevent people with color bliendness to enjoy the game. But I will see if it eventually makes it in.


I have played opus magnum recently actually, it's really fun, but anyway. A level editor competition could be fun and I would 100% compete. learning from opus, more colors make things very complicated, so I think it's better to stand with 2 colors for now