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thank you so much for sharing your experience. with the original credits I was impressed with how many people worked on this, but with the real credits it did make more sense haha (me trying to figure out, wait, what does set design mean in the context of a KN??).

It gives really good context for how BDSM and things that would normally be considered dehumanizing, can be caring when offered with care. I really liked how you showed how this can work for different sorts of people. I think the reveal around the fairy character was really lovely, since we don't really know the whole context of the world. It's hinted at, so I like that those hints follow through. 

I also think the way that the world was defined made for a useful mechanism for telling the story you wanted to tell. 

Maybe 2 hours playtime seems short compared to the amount of the time you put into it, and that it may only be seen by a few people. But I think it speaks to the heart that you put into it that people felt seen or changed by it. That's not something to underestimate. 


Thank you for the really kind comment! I figured people might be a little confused by the first set of credits (they are characters from other games I made or worked on) but I didn't realize people might think that the game was really made by a huge team, that's really funny 😄 I think it could have been possible for me to make the game in a less painful way but I'm really happy with the result in the end!