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I Have An Idea

You Should Add An Optioon For Creating Tech Like Computer Chips So You Can Create Like An Advenced Tools

Add Night Time

Add Flash Light

Add More Fishes And The Hunger That Every Kind Of Fish Give Diffrent Hunger

Do That You Can Damage The Shark With The Axe As Well

great idea but with the stuff that we get from the ocean making electronics would be impossible and on top of that if there were floating computer chips and stuff like that the water would have already fried the battery before it came to us :/ nice idea tho!!!!

Maybe It Should Be On The Barrels Or Maybe In Something Else

It should just require tons of materials that can be in water and then you could have to put it somewhere and maybe get it struck by lightning to power it or find oil and burn it to power something that could be good

Thanks For The Good Idea

Thanks For The Good Idea