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(2 edits)

Hi Krossa1,

I am glad to hear you like the game so far and thank you on reporting the bug. I tried to replicate the problem with the fish not spawning, but was not successful, so I was wondering what steps you took to get this error?

This is what I did:

  1. Download the zip file
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Run the "Tidal_Scale.exe". Game starts.
  4. Navigate to Start > Levels > Level 01. Level starts.
  5. Wait 10-15 seconds for the first fish notes to spawn.
  6. Repeat step 4 and 5 for other levels.

Edit: I should also note this with both a keyboard and Xbox one controller.

I just went through those exact steps again with the only difference being that I turned down the volume a bit - sadly the result has not changed for me :( hard to say what the issue is, but if it runs fine for you, I hope the issue is on my end so others can play the game as well