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I have played this jam game for the longest time among all the games I've tried so far.  I like this kind of game play a lot when the text is not boring and this game was not boring at all. Despite a lot of text game story manages to take you in.

Game balance seems pretty balanced except fights. Even if I had major advantage I always lost at least a soldier.  Game ending options was not clear also but I played the game even after the ending. 

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback I know you've been giving a lot of good feedback on other games. So saying you played it for a bit is very kind :)

Yeah the win condition ending is not exactly clear, all 3 options allow you to continue managing the colony. I just wanted to put in some extra options for "flavour". Regarding the combat - we tried to come up with a fair algorithm that would damage your troops even with overwhelming numbers as without troop losses we believed the game would be too easy. But it is not perfect as you have seen.

I think next Game Jam we will focus on a more mechanical game as this was a lot of content to pull together.


I think "Ogame" had a very balanced fight resolve but I may be wrong.  I don't know how long I played maybe for an hour or more so yeah there was a lot of content for sure.