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Very cool! The first segments were really enjoyable, the mix of passive gameplay with movement was excellent. After scaling twice, the introduction of the combat mechanic felt way too sudden, and without any explanation of what to do resulted in death quickly. Even a small period of time with a few enemies attacking and an explanation of how to fight back would be perfect, but as was it was pretty discouraging to replay since it taught no lesson in regards to how to progress. I only delve in because I actually really liked it! Very well done, and cool concept. 

Thank you for the feedback. Happy to hear you enjoyed the first two levels of scale and that you enjoyed the game enough to give it a few goes.

I agree that enemies spawn too quickly when you enter the third level of Scale. I think I will release a patch after the voting is over that addresses this problem.


Maybe if the first scale up had just a few enemies so the player could adjust to it? It's really fun gameplay, definitely worth some tweaks to get it perfect!

I'm leaning to an idea like that. I was thinking on Scale 2 (the one with the mines) I could add some turrets that fire slowly/randomly (kind of like they are debris from a destroyed ship that aremalfunctioning). Then, on Scale 3 (when enemies are introduced) I think I'll just redo the Enemy spawning and have it so that the rate increases the longer you stay on that scale. That way the player only faces 1-3 enemies when they scale up.

Thank you for your input and encouragement!