Hey! I appreciate the input! I'm glad you mostly enjoyed it!
The bug of hitting a ledge and the animations bugging out to where you just float down slowly is one that's been known to me for a while. I believe it has something to do with the trigger that detects ledges not being activated properly, or being activated too early/late. I'm working on fixing this bug as we speak, it should be fixed by the "big update" date on the games description.
I also knew of the getting stuck on the tips of the ice platforms, but I thought i fixed this, I suppose I just wasn't able to hit the the right angle. This bug can be fixed just by adjusting or replacing the collider, so it should also be fixed by the big update.
Resetting to a checkpoint should force you into a falling animation, but it's possible I forgot to set slam to false, so, when you reset while doing the slam attack, it just completes the action. This should also be pretty simple to fix, just a line to two of extra code.
Dashing on the ground and staying in place is an interesting one that I'll have to take a better look at.
If I understand correctly, the issue of holding right while climbing a platform and not being placed on it may be because you are able to move immediately after finishing the climb animation, so I would suggest just waiting till the animation finishes before moving. If you're still interesting in beating the game, try this during the next big update and let me know if you still have the same problem.
Could you give me a tad more information on what you mean by getting stuck when you hit a ledge?