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Variables in Decker

A topic by BenyDanette created Nov 29, 2023 Views: 143 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 2

Currently working on a point&click project for an Interactive fiction, is it possible to have variables that works across the whole deck ? If so, how may I do it ? 

Thanks again ! 


If you want to preserve information, it should be stored in widgets. I've written a few explanations that might be useful:

Do either of those point you in the right direction?


The second one is great, the first one is way too complicated for what I intend to do, I can't figure out how to make it works. It would be amazing if we could have a template / deck of this inventory system. 

I'll try to do better ! 

thanks !


I managed to do most of the things I wanted to, it's great. Last question by the way, by what means can we perform rotations on widgets?


Widgets themselves cannot be rotated. You can, however, rotate Images and thus draw rotated things on a canvas:

There are also some contraptions available for animating rotating stuff without requiring any code: