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im genuinely having so much fun with this. The moment i saw Kou i dropped dead. i also really like the scenario of being a CEO and having the power.

but i did run into some sort of wall, may be just needing to be updated but after i accept the drink from kou (GYATT DAMN I LOVE THAT DUDE) it just brings me to the error page and wont let me continue. im not really sure what it actually means because im no computer person but i'll wait a few months then come back. 

!!! awww~ thank you kindly! kou is my fave, but im biased bc i designed and wrote him xDD

im aware of that error! i have been meaning to update the build to fix a few bugs... i just haven't had a lot of time lately. thank u for ur kind words! c: and thank u for loving kou hehehe u///u