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A member registered Sep 15, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hi! Thank you so much for playing, and thank you for your comment!
The song for Momo's good ending is called "Yuuzura".

I haven't been able to update the web versions with voice-acting, but if you're able to download and play the downloadable versions there's some voice-acting and a bunch of new art and stuff! You're also able to see what "Jordan" looks like and even customize them a bit in the prequel game, Froot Basket Dark Chocolate! The prequel is also from Momo's POV, so you can get a peek into his mind.

I'm rly glad you enjoyed this game! I'm working on a sequel, Froot Basket White! I hope you'll look forward to it c:

oh! ok, that makes more sense. i know how to fix that. but it requires me to change the entire user interface. that'll take a lot of time, so i'll work on it when i can.

the first game in the trilogy is Froot Basket Valentine. Froot Basket Dark Chocolate is the second. i'm taking a break right now, but i'll resume working on the final part next month. not sure when it'll be released yet because there's a lot i've yet to do.

thanks for your interest!

I mean, if you don't mind mild spoilers...














6 males, 1 female. Of the 7 total, 2 are "secret" routes. There's a walkthrough linked on this page if you need it.

awww thank you! i imagined a bunch of bananas on his head and that is how his hair style came to be lol

aaa thank u!!! im glad to hear you love them! i'm excited to get to work on the final part of this saga xDD

hello! thank you for letting me know! i'll try to see what's up and fix it.

apologies for disappointing you. i made this in two weeks during yaoi game jam and didn't have much time to add something more tasty (nor did i think i had the skills at the time to draw anything more), so it's non-explicit. i do appreciate you trying tho.

aww~ thanks so much! i hope i can start working on it again so bring yall the whole story c':

aww~ thanks so much!! i think she's rly cute too~ i'm so happy! u///u im super excited for the updates too! eee~ i can't wait to share c:

hello! thanks for ur interest! that's intentional. i apologize. im no longer satisfied with how the game was, so i took it down. when it's at a place i want it to be at, i'll share it again. c: 

!!! awww~ thank you kindly! kou is my fave, but im biased bc i designed and wrote him xDD

im aware of that error! i have been meaning to update the build to fix a few bugs... i just haven't had a lot of time lately. thank u for ur kind words! c: and thank u for loving kou hehehe u///u

awww thanks so much! i'm so happy u enjoy it! still on hiatus for now while i finish up some personal projects and stuff, but i'd like to come back to this project when im able! 

dai is super adorable! kalie designed him so well~ u///u thank u for ur kind words! c:

i'm sorry, that was deliberate c''': i feel your pain tho. when i made this, i only had two weeks left in the jam period and didn't have enough time to do much else c'': i hope u enjoyed what i had to offer tho c:

!!! Awww thank you so much! Basil is a tsundere! I love him very much (and I also rly like tsunderes lol). I’m glad you love him too! He’s fun and lovable for sure u///u

thanks so much! im still working on the sequel, so maybe you'll sitll have a chance to tell momo u like him back! c:

i hope u don't mind if i just start this comment rn and just type my reactions as i go. also, i just wanna say real quick that i may be biased bc im the character artist LOL HERE I GO









every time i open a new game, i always take time to appreciate the opening sequence, including the splashscreens. but also i wanna say that i rly love when buttons have both an animation and sfx on hover and action bc i need confirmation that i actually clicked something lol. ty for that.


i rly love how clean the UI is. bless.

omfg this music is FIRE TOO. it rly sets the mood im gonna cry

it's definitely not weird to BLUSH at a character u drew urself (he just touched my face im SCREAMING INTERNALLY)

maybe still biased of me to say, but i rly feel like i've known Karrus for a long time despite having only just "met" him after downloading and playing.

also GRADE A USE OF EXPRESSIONS OMG. i actually find myself mirroring his expressions as i read LOL


GUUUUUURRRRRRLLLLLL i love the banter with him omfg. he's also just super sweet wtf i love him


eff me i'll hear him say "i love you" a billion times and never get tired of it

aaAAAA thank u for this wonderful experience, kristi! sobs i rly enjoyed every second with him hhhhhhghhh

Hello! Thank you for your interest in checking out my game, but the build that I had here no longer reflects the experience I want folks to have when playing. So I decided to disable downloads until I have something I think will be better. Sorry for the inconvenience! :c

hello! thank u so much for playing! i'm currently working on an update of the game and the walkthrough document. there's a few unlockable things i missed and didn't put in the walkthrough. i'll take a look at the "grim future" part too and ask some peeps to playtest before i update again.

thank u for letting me know! 

hello! apologies, i keep forgetting to update with a walkthrough. when i have more time, i'll make and share one. sorry! orz

Aww~ Momo is adorable, isn't he? Thank you for your comment!
I'll have to check the wording error. Sometimes we can miss things when we proofread :''D Thank you for pointing it out!

Awww~ no worries! Even if your comment is to share how much you love the game and characters, I really appreciate it! It lets me know that people still care and that we're doing something right as developers and creators.

Also, thank you for letting me know about the error! Apologies for the late reply. I don't often check the studio account and I wish I could link notifications to my personal dev account c'':

Thank you kindly for your patience as well! I'll make note of this error so I can try to fix it before I update the demo again... Hopefully soon, and if not, before the end of the year at least :''D

🥹 aww~ thank you so much for your support and kind words! i feel so much more motivated to continue working hard on this project!

i'll try to add a mode where the chemistry is totally optional :''D but first, the story c:

🥺🥺🥺 thank you kindly for your understanding and support all this time! creating is difficult c'': but, yes, i definitely don't want to force this project to be something that will make me feel uncomfortable or unhappy :'c

i hope the next update i share will be something i'm more proud to share c:

the art is absolutely stunning! the narrative pulled me in straight away. and the love interests are yummy, i love them both. and lillian is a beautiful dame herself u///u love her! also, rly love the music and sound! it's well placed. excited for more!

Sorry for the late reply! Thank you for sharing with me! I didn't intend for the game to be played on mobile, so I didn't make any assets or changes to the code for it. If you and others will be playing on mobile, I'll consider trying to update the WEB version of this game again.

Aww, thank you for playing! Also, it was my intent to write the story without using any pronouns. I wanted the MC to be gender neutral.

thank you so much for playing and leaving a comment! vs's art is so fun and cute! i squealed too when they first showed me xDD

roy's definitely our boy cx

!!! thank youu so much for playing and leaving a comment! <3

yay! we're so happy you had fun! glad you enjoyed the narrator as well! cx good luck with the last ending! we'll prob release a walkthrough some time in the future c:

aww thank you so much for playing! we're so happy you enjoyed it! cx

Which platform are you installing to? If you have a windows PC, I don't think I'll be of much help since I use a macbook and wouldn't be able to help you troubleshoot... I'd be happy to ask a friend to see if they can help you, though!

!!! Thank you so much for your praise and thoughts, Carrot! I'm glad to know I set the stage and tone for the story right from the get-go! I wasn't sure about the stained-glass on the menu screen at first, but your words give me confidence that I made the right decision c:

I'm happy you enjoyed the experience as well! It's true that we are not meant to fully grasp the confessor's situation. They're just blurting out whatever comes to mind and we're just listening.

Thank you again!

!!! OMGGGG this is so PRETTY! Everything about it is gorgeous! I'm especially in love with how you used the background and Hugo's sprite -- Zooming in and out -- it's very dynamic! It feels like I'm watching a movie. The music and voice-acting is beautiful as well! It really brings everything together! What a wonderful experience~

Hello! Thank you for playing! Have all the good and bad endings been unlocked? Also, here's the walkthrough if you haven't used it yet. Let me know if you still have trouble unlocking Momo. It might be a bug I need to address.

!!! thank u for always checking in and following along! it rly means a lot to me c': <3

Thank you for your comment! I'm glad the walkthrough helped and I'm happy you enjoyed the shoujo vibes along with the off-putting, creepy vibes.

I'm glad to hear you had a fun experience! Thank you again so much for your feedback! I hope you will enjoy the prequel as well.

Hello! Thank you for bringing to my attention. Would you mind attaching a screenshot? It'll help me see which part you're referring to as I don't believe or remember putting black text over a dark background.

Thank you for your question and your concern. "Teacher x Student Romance" is listed under the Content Warnings in the description on the game's main page because that content can make people uncomfortable. In a future update, I'll be sure to add the content warnings in the game itself as well.

The answer to your question may make you no less uncomfortable, and I don't think having that information will put your mind at ease because the Teacher-Student relationship between Spine and Apollo is still implied and present in the prequel.

Thank you so so much for checking out this game! I'm really happy you appreciate that detail in their hair! I don't think I can take credit for the idea though, since an artist I followed a long time ago used to also add sparkles and shapes into character's hair. I thought it was cute so I experimented a little with my characters too.

I hope you will enjoy the game and also have fun with your art!