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Sorry I haven't gotten around to replying sooner.
I followed your instructions but got a syntax error when running the last step "electron ./editor.js"
Unexpected token const

I'm trying some of my own troubleshooting but beginning to get frustrated with RPG Maker. Not because of this issue, tbh,  but just in general. I spent almost a whole day trying to figure out an  unrelated bug involving collision and never got to the bottom of it. Ended up having to do a work around and wasn't able to find any relevant info for it to make any sense. I'm at the point of making the map in photoshop, downloading a collision plugin, and just parallaxing the entire map and using godot or something. 

i know i dont have much experience with game development and was wanting to rely on rpg maker to help my motivation with it without feeling too overwhelmed, but so far i am not at all impressed with rpg maker.  

Sorry, just venting frustrations at my experience. I feel like i've wasted too much money for nothing only to end up using a ton of other applications instead.

(1 edit)

VERY interesting, it means that for some mysterious reason it's not allowing you to use an updated javascript interpreter... hmm...

No worries, I'm very sorry you're experiencing such troubles over this. If you're willing to keep going, I'd love to work with you to solve it~ game dev can be a headache, but generally it never involves this level of debugging. But hey =D once we solve it, you'll be able to solve this issue for other developers who might run into the rare problem as well!

Replace the js code I sent with this, for 'editor.js'

const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron');
function createWindow() {
  mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
    width: 816,
    height: 624,
    frame: true,
    webSecurity: false,
    webPreferences: {
      nodeIntegration: true,
      contextIsolation: false,
      webSecurity: false,
  mainWindow.loadFile(require('path').resolve('./', 'index.html'));
app.on('window-all-closed', () => {
  if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
app.on('activate', () => {
  if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) {

then run electron ./editor.js from the powershell~ remember to hold left shift, right click an empty space in your RPG Maker's project directory first and select "Open powershell here"


Also, I really don't mind, feel free to vent lol, don't hold back I 100% get it. sometimes I wanna scream and rip my hair out (whenever it grows back from the previous ripout!)

Yeah it seems RPG Maker isn't treating you well at all... I'm so sorry it's doing that to you. VERY strange also for electron to not allow you to use modern JS... something unknown is going on from a deeper level, I'm willing to work with you to try and get it figured out but maybe we should Discord from here, as we might need to do some *cracks knuckles* anti-jank special methods I've developed from dealing with my own "this makes no f*ing sense" problems xD
Though imo, you might be better using Godot