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The great thing about our different timezones is that updates are ready when I get up in the morning.

I just opened the game to check if I can play in the Outerworld again and thankfully I can. Great job. Though the fix is not as you described. The Path of Chaos message now comes with an X allowing me to close the message.

I also noticed that minutes are now visible under an hour in expeditions. I was in there checking if hammers had possibly been added as a reward. Maybe they have and I was just unlucky, but I imagine that they have not!

I also checked if hammers now generate on their own in Expansion, but they don't as you well know.

I shall stop talking about hammers now as the image of a rapper with glasses and stupidly baggy trousers has invaded my mind.

Great job with the fixes and improvements. I'll get back to The Path when I have time later.
