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Heya! Wanted to play the game because of all the good reviews, but I am encountering a problem.

When I try to load the game, only a black screen shows up and nothing more. I have been waiting for a while but to no avail. My computer had its OS recently upgraded, and can run other games just fine. I have also tried to load on other computers, and it worked on only one (that one crashed and we could not turn it back on upon loading) My internet works just fine.

Is this an issue on my end? Please let me know, and thanks.

I don't know about any of this. I have not heard about this from anyone else. Which browser do you use? Perhaps if you could try through a different browser?

I use Chrome, Bing on occasion.

Will try that.

Sorry for bothering you and thanks for replying!

It shows the same problem on both browsers.

There is a file linked in the Dev forum of the update- Is it good for installing?

You can try but its the same file. Is this a windows computer?  If so I can get you an exe version of the game. But I'm not comfortable posting it here or a link to the discord here. Is there any other way you could get in touch with me where DMs exist? 

Either via twitter or reddit? I can post a link to my twitter or reddit here if you'd like.

Hmmm- let me think.

Most of my social media is fairly at a low- I do have Discord, and I can make a Reddit account. 

And yes, I have a Windows computer.

You can message me through reddit here:

Or you can just reply to this post and I'll DM you there:

Will do!

Am kinda busy right now, will do it when I have the time


Hello there!

I have figured out the issue.

My computer is severely outdated and is not compatible with the newest version of OpenGL. (A graphics application that comes with your system. Helps with games and apps.) Other games that could not open in that way have also reported the same problem when I installed them.

This problem is unfixable unless I get a new device.

Thank you for your help—I will play the game when I am able to

I have the same problem, although I try to play on an extremely old laptop. I checked the console in both Edge and Chrome and found this warning in both cases: "Uncaught (in promise) Your browser does not support graphics API "WebGL 2" which is required for this content." 

If other people have the same problem and they want to check whether this is the problem for them, they could google "webGL 2 test". The first link will be a site that shows whether webGL2 is enabled on their device. (I have no idea how strict itch is with links in comments.)

Thank you for looking more into this! If you can find a way to contact me privately, on twitter here:

Or on reddit here:

I can send you an exe version of the game that should hopefully work even on an old laptop.