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Great game, can you change it to harem though?! Why not be able to get all scenes without rereading and skipping? really


I am sure you'll figure it out.


Harem is overrated and unrealistic...


bro is speaking straight facts


That's your opinion. We can like what we like, and there is a large market for harem. I obviously love this game or I wouldn't be commenting like this, and it could just raise the bottom line for the devs $$$, which then could help get more content for all of us. Having harem with option to not take harem routes makes more sense for players than limiting to one girl at a time.

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If the Dev doesnt have harem planned its not planned. period he doesnt need to sell his soul to the masses just to make more money. that would just mean they are a sell out.

this is one of the few Well done no harem games and honestly it should stay that way.