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are you thinking about adding moaning during sex and adding pubic hair? If everything is clear with the first one, then why not make a choice to leave the hair or not, this would add interactivity and make the pubic hair thick.


I would definitely like to add both of this things to the game.
I can't give a time frame on the moaning, as I would need to find voice actors, but I'd like to add in pubic hair sometime in the next few patches. Probably have an option where you can ask a girl to either shave, trim, or just let it grow naturally.


I support hairy pitts and hairy puss! I AM A BUSH MAN!

(Although, in regards to some girls, it's furry, not hairy!)

As for the moaning, a solid work around would be to use free use SFX.

And for the beast babes, you could go the gag route and have 'em use animals sfx.

I wouldn't mind making Maria Neigh her head off, & who doesn't love a good moo?

Here's a SFW(?) Youtube vid showing what it could be like for Maria.