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What do you mean by fixing the transform? In the transform node, some properties can be set to use relative value.

For example, the output dimension can be set to use the same size as the input, or a multiple of input. The position value can also be set to use the fractional unit, which allows you to set the position based on a fraction of the output image ([0.5, 0.5] will put the image in the middle if you set the image anchor in the middle [0.5, 0.5] as well).

Need set the blend image size everytime..very can see the other composer software ,blend not need set  pic  size..

you can see the other composer software ,blend not need set  pic  size..

(5 edits)

You can see the Picture,When make the big project..the "blend"  everytime  need set pic size  is very trouble ...~!