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(1 edit)

oh I dont mind either way, jsut love to play zelda games.
since 2d zelda games were the best thing ever! <3

yeah, those games sure semeto be different. tried the first armageddon game
and holy sh... that is hard. like you start in a dungeon, tons of enemies on every screen and you have no weapon even.
super hard, "slightly harder than nes zelda" the authopr wrote and that is very true.

sadly itch has no proper way to sreach for zelda-like games, so it's hard to find good stuff


I only loved Isle of Rebirth because of its hard hero mode.  But most Zelda fans seem to enjoy the dungeon construction and the puzzles.  Armageddons and Insanity Unchained are hard but with no dungeons like IoR so you might not enjoy them as much.