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(1 edit)

Someone told me the same thing recently, I will have a look and see if I can figure out what's happening.

PS: Itch went through a kind of server change yesterday and they are trying to sort out the issue right now. According to them it might be fixed already, If anyone experiences this problem again let me know

I managed to download, but when starting the game Im getting error : "the procedure entry point CreateFile2 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll". I installed all the prerequisites btw. Is it because I still use Windows 7?

I am having a bit of trouble finding a definitive answer for this. It seems Unreal games above a certain engine version do not officially support Windows 7 anymore, but sometimes times will run and sometimes won't. The problem could also be linked to other PC troubles. If that is the case there seems to be a bunch of possible solutions when you google the problem. Looking over some I would say make sure to update your GPU drives if they are not yet. If I find any solution I will let you know.