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Amazing game! This feels so well made and polished; the art style is beautiful, I love all the cut scenes and cg's. The VA is also incredible and really fit with the game to the point where I was actively hoping to make a choice that would trigger another Alice line! 

I really enjoyed the narrative of the game, it was not what I was expecting in the best possible way. I was honestly having so much fun with this game, that I wasn't even upset when I was dumb enough to reset my game when messing around in console :')!

You have done a really great job with this game; I'm really excited to see what you are working on next! I'm honestly surprised I'm the first video. I'd guess it's most likely as the game page is not tagged under general 'horror'.


Thank you so much <3, feedback is important for me since it's my first VN and I tried to experiment with the formula a bit ^u^
I added the horror tag too.