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I'm not sure if it's because it's running in a different runtime environment or I'm just bad at games, but my jump seemed awfully low and the lava seemed to rise awfully quickly. I'll try again, but I literally couldn't make it to the first platform. 

tl;dr: I might need to git gud, or the physics are broken.

Love the assets!

(1 edit)

Nevermind, turns out you jump higher when you're dashing. It's a whole new game now!

So once I played it more - got up to around 50 coins - I realized that my only real gripe is that it only feels good when I'm holding Shift. But I generally think the physics of jumping and dashing and bouncing feel quite good, provided you're holding Shift. Nice job!


yea I should've removed walking from the game as there was another movement mechanic I wanted to add but oh well!