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Very clean interface. This is  a very interesting interpretation of the theme. I wish I could pet and feed the cat directly with my mouse instead of pressing a button. I also think it would be cool to let the player rename the cat, unless there is a way of doing it that I couldn't find?

Very nice game! I can see it being expanded on with many animations and games with the cat!


Thank you! In the final version of my game, which I can't export, it has some additional animations and mechanics. The cat can get sick, can die, and keeps track of the time spent with it. Yes, initially, the functions of renaming and customization were planned, but due to a lack of time and technical issues to achieve the effect of playing without the normal Godot game window, I had to cut many features from the game. I take note of what you said and will see if in the future I can add these functionalities