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(2 edits)

While I haven't gone through all of v0.2 yet, I can immediately say that a lot of the bugs and other issues I had have already been addressed to varying degrees.

That said, I would appreciate an option to disable the new 'saves costing height' feature, at least while the game is still well before v1.0. Savescumming it when it's a full game is one thing, but while I'm exploring this early release I'd like to be able to actually explore things without being gated as hard behind luck.

Edit: Had a suggestion involving random seeds that I realized wouldn't help. I feel like savescumming is a personal choice in a singleplayer game (issues with bricking it aside), but as an alternate suggestion that doesn't feel like it's penalizing normal saving as much, what about only allowing saving once every 5 games, since you're already counting that anyway?


I just copy the patch notes from V0.1 -> V0.2
So the bugs you see in patch notes where in V0.1.
And the note has been discovered after I started work on V0.3
I will not work on multiple versions at the same time for obvious reasons.

that aside, I will not disable "cost" for saving.
It's to protect the player as well as the girls.
So 20 height is nothing when some players have 2k or 3k height 
(from screenshots I saw)  

I would say if you want to suggest something or discuss something join the discord.
It's easier for me.